Our history

Since 1825, Baptist Christians have met and worshiped together in Gravesend.  At Emmanuel we continue to be active in the local community, and committed to mission locally, in the UK and abroad.

For more information about our church, its history and activities please contact us.

A brief history:

2015 – In April, the church plant in Riverview Park becomes an autonomous Baptist Church

2009 – Interior of the Worship area is modernised and upgraded

2002 – The Church enters into a partnership with the South Eastern Baptist Association to create the Kent Thameside Church Project

1991 – a new congregation is planted in the Gravesend suburb of Riverview Park

1985 – a large-scale building project is undertaken to create a number of extra facilities and more space, including the Church Centre

1962 – The exterior of the chapel is modernised

1950 – The large hall is rebuilt

1929 – Building work begins on constructing a second smaller hall

1920 – The Church acquires the building immediately next door to the chapel

1912 – A pipe organ is installed in the chapel

1906 – The Church renames itself Emmanuel Baptist Church

1845 – In May, the Church is officially constituted

1843 – Construction of a new chapel is begun in March, with the first service held in August 

1841 – Windmill Street site acquired

1834 – In June, the Kent and Sussex Baptist Association’s annual meeting is hosted in Gravesend

1825 – Baptist Christians in Gravesend are meeting for worship in rooms over business premises in Stone Street

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