
Our safeguarding policy is available upon request from the church office.

If you have any concerns, questions, or just want to talk to someone you can contact our safeguarding lead, Albert Enita, on 01474 568498.

Alternatively, you can contact the South Eastern Baptist Association Safeguarding Contact.

Our commitment to safeguarding.

We commit to:

  • each share responsibility for creating an environment that is safe for all
  • pray for our safeguarding lead and those working with children and adults
  • respect the boundaries that are in place to protect others
  • support those in our church who have been hurt or abused
  • provide on-going safeguarding training for all our workers
  • allow sufficient time and resources to make our recruitment of workers safer
  • maintain an open culture where people are encouraged to share concerns
  • not take offence when challenged about our presence or behaviour
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